Category Archives: Field work

Snail heaven in Sletvik!

From the 13th to 20th of October, we were on fieldwork again! This time the end destination was Sletvik field station. Sletvik field station belongs to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU). The team of NorDigBryo (digitization of Norwegian Bryozoa) had organized a workshop there and team snail was invited to tag along for the opportunity to collect some snails around the area. So there the three of us traveled from Bergen up North; Jon and Katrine for the Bryozoan workshop and me for the Lower Heterobranchia and Pyramidellidae project.

The travel from Bergen to Trondheim takes more than 10 hours! For such a long travel we of course needed to take several breaks throughout the day. But with a bunch of biologists on the way it was very difficult to not sample during those stops whenever we had the opportunity (1).

two people on a pier in raingear, and a colourful nudibranch held in a hand

1. Sampling on our way, together with Jon & Katrine visiting several harbors. Photo: Cessa Rauch, UiB.

After a very long day, we finally arrived at our end destination; Sletvik field station. This would be our home for the coming week. The station has great facilities with different laboratories, a cantina with 3 meals a day being served by the kitchen staff and sleeping facilities. There is space for up to 40 students, so with just 10 of us we had a ton of space (2).

the field station, a large yellow wooden building

2. The Sletvik field station from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU). Photo: Cessa Rauch, UiB.

The Sletvik field station is located on the small peninsula called Slettvik; surrounded by mostly water makes it an excellent location for marine related fieldwork. Despite the relatively small size of the peninsula, it has a surprising number of different habitats; there are seagrass meadows, sea bottoms covered in encrusting coralline algae and due to strong tidal currents, a very vibrant and diverse marine life (3).

a collage of six photos showing different marine shallow water habitats

3. Sampling from land…or in the water! From different marine habitats! Photos: Cessa Rauch, UiB.

Therefore, we used several days that week to collect fresh material from around the area: by using nets or hands either from land or while in the water snorkeling (4).

two people in black wet suits standing in the water, in a pretty sunset

4. Snorkeling for samples in strong tidal current right under the little bridge, with Jon and Cessa. Photo Katrine Kongshavn, UiB.

The strong tidal currents are what a lot of the Pyramidellid species absolutely love! Not the least because it attracts high diversity of their hosts that they parasite on (5). Places with lot of current have large influx of nutrients and are well oxygenated which often results in high diversity, such as the well-known Saltstraumen area in Nordland. Therefore, it was easy to collect them as the snails were so abundant.

a tiny snail, just a few millimeters, amongst other animals

5. Hard to spot the small snails, here Odostomia turrita (blue circle) crawling away from its host Serpullid worm (white with blue fringes). Photo: Cessa Rauch, UiB.

But it became clear quickly that a few species were quite dominant. The four most common Pyramidellid species in the shallow tidal currents around Sletvik were Odostomia turrita; Brachystomia scalaris; Spiralina spiralis and Parthenina intersincta (6). Although Pyramidellidae snails are often very difficult to identify, these fours exhibited very typical characteristics which made it somewhat easy to name them to species level (7).

4 small snails

6. 4 of the most common species found in Sletvik: Left up; Odostomia turrita, left down; Brachystomia scalaris, right up; Spiralina spiralis, right down; Parthenina intersincta. Photo: Cessa Rauch, UiB

hand drawn figure showing the key characters to tell four similar species of small snails a part

7. Doodles of the most recognizable characters of different common species in Sletvik. Photo: Cessa Rauch, UiB.

However, we still will extract DNA from these animals to confirm species, as it still can happen that we are having snails that are very similar and might have been misidentified in the field. That is why it is important to fix the collected snails in ethanol, so the tissue and DNA in it stays preserved. All collected material will then go back to the University Museum of Bergen to be further used for microscopy, morphological analysis, DNA extractions and eventually become part of the collection of the museum.

After one week, with hours of sorting through collected material, we managed to collect and identify 15 different species; the most so far of any fieldwork so we can say that Sletvik is truly a snail heaven!

– Cessa

Viberodden marine biodiversity workshop

After the Summer break the hunt for small snails continues. This time the museum staff got invited by Vivian Husa from the Institute of Marine Research and Erling Svensen underwater photographer and author of Marine fish & invertebrates of Northern Europe to come and help with marine biodiversity assessment in Egersund.

Egersund is a small village at the southwest side of Norway and strangely has almost no difference in height between low and high tide. The tidal range is close to zero due to the presence of a tidal node, which there are several off around the globe. This all makes Egersund a very interesting place to hunt for snails (and other marine organisms)!

Our stay was at a very special place; a lighthouse, called Viberodden (1).

Vibberodden, Eigersund

(1) Vibberodden fyr from the Eigersund Arkivinstitusjon.

The Viberodden lighthouse is build on a small island 15 minutes’ drive with boat from Egersund city center. Today it is run by the so-called Viberodden friends’ foundation (Viberodden venner). They rent out the lighthouse to be able to cover the costs for maintenance and cultural activities.  The lighthouse was originally built to secure entrance to Egersund in 1855 and has been upgraded several times since. The lighthouse was manned until 1977, when it became fully automatic. In 2007 the Viberdden friends’ foundation rehabilitated the entire lighthouse, and they are still in charge of upkeeping today. We therefore also want to thank the foundation for the hospitality and the possibility for us to use the lighthouse as a research station for the week!

Once we arrived in Egersund, Erling would be waiting for us with his boat to drive us and a whole lot of equipment to the lighthouse (2).

Two people in a boat, looking forward over the water

(2) Erling Svensen (left) and Vivian Husa (right) organizers of the workshop on their way to the lighthouse. Photo Cessa Rauch, UiB.

During the week, we grew in number of participants and eventually the team existed of a mix of researchers from different institutions and companies with a variety of backgrounds. We had with us macroalgae, Bryozoan (moss animal), Ascidian (sea squirts), sea slug specialists and more (3).

tree men looking at a computer screen (they are studying photos taken that day)

(3) From left to right Bjørn Gulliksen professor emeritus from the Norwegian Arctic University, Erling Svensen and Bernard Picton curator of marine invertebrates, National Museums Northern Ireland, together in discussion. Photo Katrine Kongshavn, UiB.

From the museum we were also representatives of several different Norwegian taxonomy initiatives (artsprosjektet).  There was “Digitization of Norwegian Bryozoans” (NorDigBryo), “Marine Amphipods: Diversity, Species Complex, and Molecular Studies” (MADAM) and of course “Lower Heterobranchia and Pyramidellidae of Norway”.

During the week we would collect several different habitats, from exposed kelp forests to blue mussel beds in the Egersund harbour. The lighthouse itself was built far out and therefore very exposed hence we were dependent on the weather for us to go out and collect. Luckily, we had a few good weather days that allowed us to snorkel while collecting samples (4).

Two women in wetsuits, ready for the water

(4) Snorkelling with Mette Eilertsen from Rådgivende Biologer AS. Photo Cessa Rauch, UiB.

To get our specimens we collected different habitats by using jars, nets and buckets and amazingly all our samples turned out to be rich in species (5 & 6).

A person scrubbing mussels with a brush to dislodge animals living on the outside of it

(7) Brushing mussels to get the little snails. Photo Katrine Kongshavn, UiB.



While searching for snails there was a clear preference of certain species to inhabit either exposed or sheltered environments, kelp or sandy bottoms. In one case we had to brush a lot of blue mussels to get to the Pyramidellidae (Odostomia turrita) that parasite on them and on the worms (Serpulidae) that grow their houses on the outside of the blue mussel shells (7).

But we also found certain species that crawled around in the mud (8) and others that were on the kelp (9).

A small snail (3 mm) on a black background

(8) Brachystomia sp. Photo Katrine Kongshavn, UiB.

A small snail climbing on algae

(9) Odostomia turrita. Photo Cessa Rauch, UiB.

The days were long, and we had to do a lot of sorting of the many materials that were collected (10).

(10) Sorting samples Cessa (left) and Jon Kongsrud (right). Photo Katrine Kongshavn, UiB.

But it was very much worth it as we found a range of interesting species that we did not collect in earlier fieldtrips from this year (11 & 12).

All these new findings and collection building would not have been possible without the help of the organizers, participants and the possibility for us to stay at the Viberodden lighthouse and therefore we would like to thank Erling Svensen, Vivian Husa, Bernard Picton, Mette Eilertsen, Bjørn Gulliksen and Viberodden friends’ foundation! Thank you for a great and productive week!


Strange creatures with strange parasites

Have you ever heard about chaetognaths, aka arrow worms? They are a phylum of worm-like animals mostly found as part of planktonic communities worldwide. Their name originates from chaeto (spines) and gnatha (jaws). As you can see in the picture below, their name refers to their hooked, grasping spines located on each side of their head. Chaetognaths use their spines to grasp their prey (sometimes other arrow worms!). Luckily for us, they are just a few cm long, up to 10-12 cm in some cases, so nothing to worry much about. They can also have a funny, Edvard Munch’s The Scream’s-like appearance, such as the benthic chaetognath below. With over 130 species described worldwide, our knowledge on their true diversity and distribution is still very scarce. What we do know is that they are one of the most important planktonic predators and the second-most abundant planktonic group. Most species are transparent, and often classified as part of the so-called gelatinous zooplankton. However, ca. 20% of the species are benthic chaetognaths that can be found close to the seabed (like the surprised guy below).

three images of arrow worms

Figure 1. Different appearances of arrow worms, the one on the right with a parasitic nematode. Credit: Zatelmar CC BY SA 3.0 (left), Luis Martell (middle) and Luis Martell and Joan J. Soto-Angel (right).

Through Artsdatabanken project ParaZoo (Metazoan Parasites of non-crustacean Zooplankton) we are studying the diversity of parasites associated with jellyfish, comb jellies and chaetognaths. As we found very interesting specimens from our sampling trips to Svalbard, we joined a recent trip to Torsvåg in Northern Norway, hoping to get additional material from this understudied area. You can read more about this joint fieldwork here and here. Our MSc student Lea will tell you a bit more about her MSc project, and her experience in Torsvåg.

From Lea:
Hei! I am Lea, a Master student working on my Master thesis about the last C in the C + C + C research group: Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and now Chaetognaths! I am working with parasites of chaetognaths in Norwegian waters, a still much understudied topic. On the sampling trip to Torsvåg in Northern Norway, I got first hand experiences with a variety of sampling methods, cool jellies, and getting to know everyone better from the marine team at the University Museum.

Among the sampling methods, my favourite was definitely catching the jellies with a small net on the pier (see Figure 2). There, we – fearless of the everchanging weather conditions – caught the biggest jellies of our trip. Afterwards, I was mainly in charge of checking jellies for parasites for the ParaZoo, where we found trematoda in 2 different jelly species!

Sadly, pelagic chaetognaths were very sparse in Torsvåg. We even deployed manually (!) a plankton net all the way to 200 m deep in search for chaetognaths, but we only found about 30 in total, that were also unparasitized. Luckily, the polychaete group next door could offer some comfort.

Let me introduce you to my absolute favourite species from the trip: The benthic chaetognath Spadella cephaloptera! Have a bad day? – Just take a look at the constantly surprised, concerned, and slightly uncanny face of this small fella! You can count on me overusing this species in my upcoming presentations!

All in all, I developed a lot of useful skills, ranging from identifying common (and uncommon) gelatinous zooplankton species to untangling a fishing rope! It was such an amazing experience to be part of this sampling trip!

Five images in a collage: three shots of fieldwork/sampling site, and two of the arrow worm

Figure 2. Net sampling from different locations in beautiful Torsvåg. Spadella cephaloptera looking constantly surprised due to the corona ciliata below the two eye pigments (Photos: Joan J. Soto-Angel and Lea Dober)

From Joan and Lea

Minute snails in Northern Norway

From 21 till 28th of May, researchers, technicians, and students of the University Museum’s marine section, travelled up North to Torsvåg, close to Tromsø, for joint fieldwork. The participants represented several Artsdatabanken projects that cover marine fungi, hydrozoans, polychaetes, parasites of jellyfish, comb jellies and chaetognaths, bryozoans, marine amphipods and finally the Lower Heterobranchia and Pyramidellidae gastropods. In this blog you can read about the general experience of the fieldwork and more details about the different projects. And here you can read about the fieldwork through the eyes of two master students who joined. And if you want to read more adventures and see more pictures check out this blog post! It was a large group of young and more experienced scientists which created the perfect opportunity for a lot of knowledge transfer.

This was also the first “big” fieldwork trip for the Lower Heterobranchia and Pyramidellidae project, after several sampling events in the Bergen area, which you can read here. Both Lower Heterobranchia and Pyramidellidae include small snails, just a few millimetres in length that are hard to identify (they can resemble other small species of gastropods). The diversity of these tiny sea snails is poorly understood in Norway, and thus, during this project these sea snails will be studied by combining DNA barcoding and shell characters. Sampling will be based on the use of dredges, grabs, and snorkelling.

Pyramidellidae are regarded as ectoparasites and are often found living on other molluscs or other marine invertebrates, but also free in soft sediments. The Lower Heterobranchia are often found on algae, for example on the stipes and in between the holdfasts of large kelp. Because of the small size of these snails the best way to collect them is by sampling the substrate they live on. So, this is what we did, we went snorkelling several times in the cold waters of Northern Norway, but thanks to good neoprene layers we were able to keep warm and simultaneously looking like seals!

Underwater shot of a person snorkelling, collecting algae just below the surface

Collecting the right substrates for the Lower Heterobranchs and Pyramidellidae while snorkeling. Photo by Eva Charlotte Samson, UiB

Little lab set-up in the kitchen to sort through the samples.

Little lab set-up in the kitchen to sort through the samples. Photo by Cessa Rauch, UiB.


It was challenging to find our snails; there was plenty of kelp and high diversity of many other taxonomic groups, but the conditions were not exactly right especially for the pyramidellids that seem to prefer areas with strong currents.

So, even though we sampled many different habitats, we often ended up not finding our snails when back in the lab sorting under the microscope.




A tiny snail lookin up at the camera

Species of Pyramidellidae; Odostomia turrita. Photo by Cessa Rauch, UiB.


Yet, after collecting a ton of material and spending many hours sorting, we finally found one pyramidellid!

In this case Odostomia turrita.

Odostomia are neat little pyramidellids that have glands with distinct colours, which makes somewhat easier the identification of species.

Drawings showing the colour patterns of snails

The different colour patterns distinguish different Odostomia species. Source from Høisæter 2014. (Høisæter, T. (2014). The Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) of Norway and adjacent waters. A taxonomic review).

Although minute, the lower heterobranch were “easier” to find… They seem to be less picky with the environment, and on kelp and sand we managed to sample a few different species, amongst others two very similar ones: Ammonicera rota and Omalogyra atomus. In addition, we found in the sand and gravel small snails of the genus RissoellaR. globularis.

Field season has just started, this was a good beginning for a busy Summer with many more blogs to come!

-Cessa & Manuel

NOAH goes North again!

A couple of weeks ago, a team of five jellyfish and polyp enthusiasts travelled to Torsvåg, Vannøya, a beautiful location two hours north of Tromsø by car (more about the fieldwork can be found here). Our goal? Collect, identify and catalogue some little-known hydrozoans for Artsdatabanken project NOAH (Norwegian Arctic Hydrozoa). This is the 3rd dedicated NOAH trip to obtain Arctic samples (or examine collections) in the last 12 months! After a very successful Arctic expedition to the West and North of Svalbard on board Kronprins Haakon in the context of the Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey by IMR, and a 1-week workshop at the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN) co-organized by our colleague Marta Ronowicz, this time we focused on the underexplored coasts of northern Norway.

A collage of reserch related photos; people working in lab, a reserach vessel

Recent NOAH-related sampling trips. On top, Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey by IMR on board icebreaker Kronprins Haakon; in the middle, at IOPAN examining Marta Ronowicz’s extensive collection; bottom, NOAH team in Torsvåg (Troms). Pics: Joan Soto, Piotr Bałazy, Robert Johansen

Cruises, especially on cutting-edge icebreakers crashing ice on their way to the poles, are a lot of fun, but getting deep-water samples of both jellyfish and polyps is all but easy. Consequently, even when we carefully optimize the sampling procedures, some fragile species often arrive damaged or in bad shape. This time, we collected shallow-water specimens using our own hands. In addition to (MANUAL!) net deployments at ca. 180 m depth, we intensively checked marinas, tide pools, and shallow infralittoral environments by snorkeling. It worked fantastically well for those picky jellies and polyps which tentacles/polyps get lost after being trawled or towed with a tone of hard-bodied invertebrates and slimy fish within massive nets. We took the opportunity to document them in detail using both microscopes and macro photography. During our trip, we had the visit of Stine and Linda from Artsdatabanken. They even kindly gave us a hand collecting jellyfish from the piers! Good catch!

A photo collage of scientists at work, and a reindeer (presumably also at work)

Wide array of sampling methods, landscapes and local fauna, including a brand new wet lab (before: living room) specially made for the occasion. Stine and Linda testing our hand nets and successfully collecting some jellies. Pics: Joan Soto, Praveen Raj.

Each of us had our favorite species and top findings for the trip, and we were really excited to see alive and in good shape those species we have only examined within preserved collections, or only read about in scientific publications. These findings will definitely contribute to a better knowledge on the true diversity and distribution of these little known species, some of which have rarely been reported that far north in continental Norway.

I (Joan) stop here and leave you with some insights from the other NOAH team members that joined the trip: Marta and Praveen.

From Marta:
This was such a very interesting experience! During my work I usually study deep ecosystems, so I do not often see fresh samples of benthic hydroids, and when I do, they are often damaged by the sampling gear (e.g. bottom trawl, beam trawl…). This trip to Torsvåg has allowed me to sample the intertidal pools and marinas with my own hands, discover the great diversity that exists just below the surface, and to see multiple species in a way I never seen before.

For me, the most interesting species were undoubtedly the athecate hydroids, such as the incredibly beautiful Zanclea spp. and Sarsia spp. These animals are extremely fragile due to the lack of a theca to protect the polyp. In Torsvåg, I saw athecate hydroids of extraordinary quality, studied their sexual structures, their morphology, colours, behaviour…  Simply: WOW!!! I’m very much looking forward to the next NOAH trip!

Collage of microsope images of hydrids (looks like sticky flowers), happy people in lab and out in the field

During our sampling trip, Marta Gil (visiting researcher) showed a lot of excitement about the diversity in the intertidal pools and collected beautiful athecate polyps, all with reproductive structures! Pics: Joan Soto.

From Praveen:
My first sampling trip after joining the Cnidaria and Ctenophora Team as a PhD student was nothing short of exhilarating. Our team, led by Joan Soto, was focused on various life stages and projects related to the phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora. Although I had conducted similar sampling procedures in India, working with live specimens of both planktonic and benthic stages of Cnidarians in Torsvåg was a new and fascinating experience.

One of the trip’s most challenging parts was venturing into open waters with a small fishing boat to collect samples. We had to troubleshoot a bit on board, but it finally turned out to be a success. Despite not finding Dimophyes arctica, one of the target species for my PhD, I was captivated by the immense diversity of hydroids in the piers near the island, some of which might be the so-far unknown polyp stage of some known Norwegian hydromedusae. Special thanks to Luis and Marta, who taught me a lot about hydrozoan taxonomy, and Cessa and Jon for driving the boat and patiently wait for the net to be recovered.

The research was undoubtedly the focus, but the social activities and adventures we shared were equally memorable. Torsvåg itself was mesmerizing, with its high mountains and breathtaking views. We all enjoyed evening hikes and took advantage of the midnight sun, which provided a perfect balance to our intense sampling schedule. Our group dinners were another highlight of the trip for me: with colleagues from 7 different nationalities and 3 continents, we had a delightful variety of cuisines as we took turns for preparing dinner.

All in all, this sampling trip was an incredible blend of scientific discovery and personal enrichment. The stunning landscape and the camaraderie of our team made it an unforgettable experience.

A collage of images, three showing happy poeple out in northern Norwegian nature, and five of different jellyfish photographed against a black baground

Praveen Raj on his first sampling trip for his PhD. He not only captured and identified an impressive amount of jellyfish, but also had a great time hiking around Torsvåg and enjoyed the dramatic landscapes that Northern Norway can offer. Pics: Joan Soto, Praveen Raj, Lea Dober.

From Joan, Marta and Praveen.

Torsvåg through the eyes of two of our MSc students

“Ooh ooh ooh! I found a parasite! Bonita!”
– A phrase not usually heard in the fishing harbor of Torsvåg! But this week was far from the usual fishing business.

Lea (left) and Eva (right) out sampling on the boat. Photos: Eva Samson & Nataliya Budaeva

We are Eva and Lea, and we’re marine biology students in the second semester of our masters degree.

Since we’re writing our master’s theses at the University Museum, we got to be a part of the fieldwork in Torsvåg (Troms) in the last week of May.

Welcome to our first sampling trip with the researchers from the University Museum of Bergen and the University of Tromsø!


scenic shot of a small island connected by a bridge to the bigger island

Torsvåg seen from one of the (smaller) mountains of Vannøya
(Photo: Lea Dober)

As the trip was a joint project by different groups that work on different phyla, we got opportunities to try a lot of different sampling methods.

Here is a couple of our favorites:

  • Chasing jellies from piers, à la Pokemon “gotta catch them all”
  • Freediving in the 4°C-cold but crystal-clear water
  • Setting sail to deeper waters, sampling at depths up to 50 m with a grab and 180 m with a plankton net with pure biceps-power (Kudos to all strong men and women)
    collage of images where various people dressed in rain gear operates a grab and a net on a boat

    Haul away! Sampling from a boat that – unlike our research vessels – does not have a winch, meant a good workout! Here’s Eva, Tom and Jon working the grab, and Praveen and Joan with the plankton net. Photos: Eva Samson, Katrine Kongshavn

    A bucket full of joy and jellies! (Photo: Lea Dober)

Following the sampling we also spent quite some hours processing the samples and taking pictures in the lab. I (Eva) had my own little workspace where I usually helped with sorting the benthic samples, mostly focusing on annelids as I’m also working on these in my thesis. At the beginning of the week I was struggling to even find worms in between all the sandgrains. But luckily I had a lot of experts sitting in the same room and helping me! And little by little, I got more confident in identifying the common families of polychaetes.

Three people working with stereomicroscopes

Jon, Eva and Tom working in the improvised lab for benthos. Photo: Katrine Kongshavn

And I (Lea) worked in the gelatinous zooplankton lab, right next to the polychaete group. There, I helped with sorting zooplankton, checking the jellies for parasites, and taking pictures of the specimens. A great opportunity to get to know more about the fascinating diversity of jellies in Norway!

At the end of the long days, we usually fell right into bed and even the midnight sun couldn’t keep us from falling asleep within minutes!

our quite unusual home for a week – the Torsvåg lighthouse in the midnight sun! (Photo: Eva Samson)

Not only the life underwater had a lot to offer, but we were also astonished at the spectacular wildlife above the surface. Otters, reindeer, all sorts of arctic birds, you name it…

All in all an incredible week for us master students to learn all the field methods and work on living specimens – quite different from the fixed material in the Museum collection. And a great opportunity to get to know everybody from the marine invertebrate groups better!

Lea & Eva

My internship at the University Museum of Bergen (Alina)

Hi, I am Alina Lösing, a bachelor’s student from Germany with the great opportunity to join the Cnidaria and Ctenophora team from the University Museum of Bergen for a 6 weeks Internship. This experience was not only a chance to further strengthen my passion in marine biology but also very helpful to gain valuable insight into research and museum operations.

During my time at the museum, I had the chance to join various projects of Joan J. Soto-Angel, including POLE2POLE (Horizon 2020, MSCA) on bipolarity, and Artsprosjektet NoAH (Artsdatabanken) on Norwegian Arctic Hydrozoa. I even had the honor to contribute a small part to it! I focused mostly on the polyp of Stegopoma plicatile, a supposedly widely distributed species present also in both Arctic and the Antarctic waters.

On black background branching animals looking a bit like corals

Figure 1: Living specimen of Stegopoma plicatile collected during the OceanX cruise at 240 m depth (Pictures: Joan J. Soto-Angel)

The first step was to take pictures of the different specimens that were sampled and categorized as Stegopoma plicatile. Further I took pictures of many other species of Arctic hydrozoan polyps and hydromedusae. I learned some useful tricks with the camera while photographing the different species of polyps and medusae.

Part of the project is developing a reliable workflow which allows for a morphological distinction between polyps belonging to potentially different species previously defined molecularly from different areas worldwide. Therefore, I spent a lot of time working with the microscope collecting data which can be crucial to refining the morphological differences between different species. I measured length and width of 380 nematocysts!

The author working in the lab; seen using a microscope with camera on top, and holding a DSLR camera

Figure 2: Taking pictures of the samples with the microscope and the camera (Pictures: Joan J. Soto-Angel)

Furthermore, I underwent training in tissue sampling, a crucial step in preparing the samples for DNA sequencing. It’s all about preventing tissue contamination! Moreover, I had the opportunity to visit the DNA Lab, where I received instruction in their specialized techniques for DNA extraction, PCR, and electrophoresis. Many thanks Cessa for your time and dedication!

The highlights of my internship were of course both sampling trips I got to attend on board the Research Vessel Hans Brattstrøm. On the ship I learned a lot about the specific sampling methods for these incredibly delicate invertebrates. Despite experiencing a bit of seasickness the first time, I assisted with net deployment, sorting the animals, and collecting water samples from different depths.

Wrok on board the reserach wesse (person holding a transparent cylinder with water) and a group photo of the participants

Figure 3: Collecting water samples from a CTD; The Team during a successful sampling day (Pictures: Luis Martell, Praveen Raj)

Apart from an amazing Jellyfish Team, Bergen has many more attractions to offer. I highly recommend packing your hiking boots for your next visit, as the surrounding mountains offer breathtaking scenery. And if you share my passion for the ocean, a visit to the Nordnes Sjøbad is a must. Here you can take a refreshing dip in the frosty ocean before warming up in the heated saltwater pool.

Scenic shots of nature in Bergen

Figure 4: Hike to Ulriken and Fløyen with a view of Bergen (Pictures: Alina Lösing)

 I would like to take a moment to acknowledge Joan’s invaluable contribution to my internship at the University Museum of Bergen. Joan’s dedication and extensive knowledge have made my experience truly unforgettable.


World Jellyfish Day pt 2: OceanX – gelatinous predators

This summer, researchers from the University Museum of Bergen participated on a research cruise onboard R/V OceanXplorer, the research vessel of OceanX. OceanX is a nonprofit ocean exploration organization founded by Mark and Ray Dalio in 2018. The organization’s mission is to “explore the ocean and bring it back to the world”, and the vessel is designed and constructed by OceanX to conduct ocean exploration, scientific research, and document stories of discovery to share with the public worldwide in a state-or-the art way.

One of the outcomes of the cruise was this amazing short documentary focusing on the work Aino Hosia and the rest of our “Team Jellyfish” (Joan & Luis) were doing onboard.

Today being the World Jellyfish Day, we wanted to share it here – enjoy!



OceanX home page:

OceanX Youtube channel:

Fieldwork for two projects

The projects HypCop (bottom-associated copepods) and Hardbunnsfauna (Invertebrate fauna of marine rocky shallow-water habitats) went on a day-trip to three localities last week.

We made the most of the sunny and calm weather to visit a very exposed site on Sotra, where we collected in the tide pools and on the barnacle-encrusted intertidal.

Afterwards, we went to two marinas, Glesvær and Hjellestad, on a quest for some specific species the projects were in need of.

Back in the lab we set to work documenting the colours of the animals by photographing them alive, as the colours tend to face in fixatives.

It was nice day in the field, and it looks like we found the species we were after!

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram as @PlanetCopepod and @Hardbunnsfauna

– Jon, Cessa & Katrine


Legendary colleagues meet once again; in search of Idzi Drzycimskis harpacticoids with help of R/V Hans Brattström

R/V Hans Brattström. Photo: Anne Helene Tandberg

Professor Dr. Idzi Drzycimski was one of the few who studied copepods here in Bergen, and in particularly the order of Harpacticoida. Drzycimski was foremost an occupied oceanologist and ichthyologist (the study of fish), but during his career he also described several new species from the order Harpacticoida. A few of those records are from Norway and are currently an important resource for our study of hyberbenthic copepods (HYPCOP). Drzycimski stayed in Bergen for a few years during the sixties and build up an extensive collection of copepods.  


Idzi Drzycimski 

Idzi Drzycimski was born December 5th, 1933 in Klonowo; a very small village North of Bydgoszcz, Poland. He studied Biology with a specialization in Hydrobiology at the Odessa University of I.I. Miecznikow. In 1957 he graduated and started working at the Sea fisheries Institute in Gdynia at the Oceanography Department, led by Professor Kazimierz Demel. Later followed by a career at the Department of Oceanography and Marine Biology at the University of Agriculture in Olsztyn, Faculty of Fisheries. In 1963 he obtained the degree of Doctor in natural sciences and in 1969 he habilitated. In 1985 he received the academic title of associate professor and eventually became full professor in the same year.

Drzycimski publication in Sarsia about new species of copepods.

Throughout his career he completed several internships in Germany, Norway, Italy and participated in several research cruises in the South Baltic Sea, North Sea and the Norwegian Fjords. During these cruises he collected and described 11 species new to science and 3 new types of marine crustaceans that have entered into the international zoological systematics. He promoted 8 doctors and continued to be the head of the department of oceanography at the faculty of sea fisheries. All while he published hundreds of articles and finally in 2001 he was awarded the Medal of Professor Kazimierz Demel.



Sampling for copepods 

As noted earlier, HYPCOP uses Drzycimski works for the project; his database, collection and publications from his years in Bergen are good source of information. Drzycimski published two publications with Harpacticoida findings from 1967 and 1968. He described 5 new species of Harpactcoida from West Norway, with sampling locations close to Bergen. Now, half a century later, we wanted to revisit these sampling sites to see if we could find the same or different species. Some off the sampling locations were from the middle of the fjords near Bergen and would therefore be excellent to revisit.  Drzycimski had sampled different spots from around the Krossfjorden, Bjørnefjorden and Raunefjorden. Most of these were deep sandy and muddy bottoms, from around 300-700m. Species that he had found there he described as Marsteinia typica, Pseudotachidius vikingus, Marsteinia similis, Leptopsyllus elongatus and Dorsiceratus octocornis. These all have the typical small body sizes of around 400-800 μm and are very inconspicuous and hard to find with the naked eye.  


Brattström & Drzycimski 


Beautiful day for sampling benthos. Photo: Cessa Rauch

With help of research vessel Hand Brattström and researcher Anne Helene Tandberg, we managed to sample two locations in the Krossfjorden between 400-700m depth that were sampled before in the 60s by Drzycimski. Prior to the sampling day we made a hit list of 4 locations that we wanted to revisit, but two of those locations got inaccessible. In the span of 60 years a lot of things have changed, places that once where easy accessible for sampling are nowadays littered with e.g. fishing gear waste. Which would destroy our plankton nets when they get stuck in this. On top off that Drzycimski also did not describe in his papers how he managed to collect his copepod samples, but most likely this was done with a sled, and in this case we would be using the R.P. sled. The R.P. sled is an epibenthic sampler. That means that it samples the

Anne Helene Tandberg and crew working on retrieving samples from the RP-sled. Photo: Ellen Viste

animals that live just at the top of the (soft) seafloor with a fine plankton net, if you want to read more details about the R.P. sled you can read that here. Once again our sled expert Anne Helene would join us on this trip to help HYPCOP with sampling and also to be on the lookout for sampling for amphipods. After the sled collected the benthic animals, we needed to filter the sled sample by a process which is called decanting (See the YouTube movie in this blog).  With decanting you separate the mixture of the animal soup from the liquid by washing them in a big bucket, throw the liquid through a filter and collect the animals carefully to avoid damaging them.  





Drzycimskis visit at the museum was during the years of Hans Brattströms Professorship at the University of Bergen in marine biology (1962-1978). During those years Brattström started the scientific journal Sarsia, where Drzycimski published his copepod species description’s. There is not much about whether the two professors knew each other well, but it is very likely. And so it was special that few generations later, Hans Brattström once again facilitates research for Drzycimski, although this time as a research vessel and a new generation of scientists working on marine benthos.  

New generation of scientists working on marine benthos. from the left: Anne Helene Tandberg, Francisca Carvalho, Cessa Rauch, Ellen Viste and Justine Siegwald

Cessa & Anne Helene 


Drzycimski, I. “Zvvei neue Harpacticoida (Copepoda) aus dem Westnorwegischen Kdstengebiet.” Sarsia 30.1 (1967): 75-82. 

Drzycimski, I. “Drei neue Harpacticoida aus westnorwegen.” Sarsia 36.1 (1968): 55-64.