Make sure to check out the seminars that are happening this week (April 16th-19th)!
Researchers from the Department of Natural History give 30 minute lectures on selected topics in the marine realm each day at 14:00, read more about it here!
Topics, dates and times:
Who eats whom? Marine worms with jaws – delicious and dangerous! 16.04.2024 – 14.00–14.30
Jellyfish in Norway – mostly harmless or murderous monsters? 17.04.2024 – 14.00–14.30
Sharks of Norway 18.04.2024 – 14.00–15.00
Elusive biodiversity: a journey through the less known but most exquisite groups of marine animals 19.04.2024 – 14.00–14.30
Where: Natural History Museum (Forhandlingsrommet), at Muséplassen 3 (use the main entrance of the Museum).
Free entrance, pick up your ticket from the museum gift shop 15 minutes before start.